- Read more...There was once a moment when the prospect of Jack Black teaming up with the Farrelly brothers for a family comedy would have stirred up quite a buzz in the cultural landscape. However, that moment has long passed. Nowadays, many are likely unaware that Bobby Farrelly's "Dear Santa Flixtor" has...Read more...Goodrich Flixtor movie presents a heartfelt narrative that immerses you in the journey of a man who quickly earns your support. While he is inherently a good individual, his imperfections strain his relationships with those closest to him, and the film skillfully navigates these obstacles from an...November 21, 2024Read more...Rumours Flixtor is a delightful absurdist comedy set in a drawing room, co-created and directed by Canadian filmmaker Guy Maddin alongside his long-time collaborators, brothers Evan and Galen Johnson. The title draws inspiration from the 1977 Fleetwood Mac album, reflecting the emotional turmoil...More Posts
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